About the Recipe

For the Mushrooms & Meyer Sauce-
· 8 Meyer Lemons
· 4g Mustard Powder
· 4g Salt
· 40g Sugar
· 150g Water
· 310g Oil, Neutral
· 2 Garlic Clove
· 18 Mushrooms, Mini Bellas, Fluted as desired
For the Tomato Oil-
· 4oz/wt. Tomatoes, Canned, Diced, and Drained
· 2oz/fl. Neutral Oil
· 2oz/fl. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
· 7g Tomato Paste
· 1 Sprigs Thyme
· 1 Bay Leaf
· Salt, as Needed
· Tapioca Maltodextrin, as Needed
For the Mascarpone Custard-
· 168g Mascarpone, Crave Brothers
· 2oz/fl. Milk, Whole
· 150g Egg, Whole
· 1g Nutmeg, Freshly Grated on a Microplane
· 142g Duck Confit
· Salt and Pepper, To Taste
For the Cherry Gel
· 50g Sherry
· 100g Cherries, Dried
· 200g Apple Cider
· 1.5g Agar Agar
· Salt and Pepper, as Needed
For the Croquant Nest-
· 40g Pistachios, Toasted, Chopped Fine
· 310g Sugar
· 75g Water
· 1t Sea Salt
· 3 Large Sprigs of Thyme Worth of Leaves
For the Vidalia Mascarpone Mousse-
· 1 Lil’ Bo’s Vidalia Onion, Medium Size, Whiter Parts Only, Caramelized
· 1/2Cup Heavy Cream
· 1 Egg White, Pasteurized
· 226g Mascarpone, sit out to Soften, Crave Brothers
· 3g Nutmeg, Freshly Grated on Microplane
· 2 Cartridges of isi and a Whipper with Star Tip Attachment
· Flat Leaf Parsley as Garnish
1. The day before, peel the Meyer lemons with a peeler, reserve peels. Juice the lemons and weigh out 128g juice for the vinaigrette. Combine the juice, salt, mustard powder, and garlic, puree in Vitamix and slowly incorporate oil to form an emulsion, pour over mushrooms, and store overnight in refrigerator, tossing every now and again. For service, grab two medium sauté pans and steam the mushrooms and reserved cherries from below in all the vinaigrette until soft, hold hot, and season as necessary
2. Using a paring knife, remove all the white pith from the meyer lemon zest. Add the zest to a sauce pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil, drain off all water, and do this two more times. Add measured sugar and water to the meyer lemon zest, bring to a boil, and simmer, covered for 30 minutes. Puree with an immersion blender, and strain through a mesh sieve, reserve.
3. Combine everything for the tomato oil together in a small saucepot, bring up to a boil, and do so for 3 minutes. Puree with an immersion blender. Turn down the heat to medium low and let simmer for 30 minutes. Strain through a cheesecloth sieve, cool to room temperature. Add 2Tbsp of the oil to a bowl, with a fork, add in the maltodextrin until a tight powder forms, reserve both oil and dust.
4. For the croquant, combine the water and sugar together in a small saucepot on medium high flame. Have a pastry brush sitting in water at the ready to brush the sides when it starts to rise up the side and crystalize. You may stir together until it begins to boil, then do not stir afterwards. Have a silicone mat at the ready to pour croquant on to, do not put on sheet pan, put on flat surface. Once amber color is achieved, add thyme, salt, and pistachios all at once, stir with rubber spatula and pour onto silicone mat, smooth out. Grab a biscuit cutter, set on a flame, and, while croquant is still hot, ring cut out 6 circles, let cool, do not refrigerate. When cool, place round cuts on the bottom of half dome silicone mats in the oven until they curl and form cups.
5. For the cherry gel, combine the dried cherries and sherry in a small saucepot, flambé until au sec. Deglaze with apple cider, add agar, bring to a boil, and simmer for 2 minutes. Strain out the cherries and cool them separately. Puree the gel when cool and season with salt, strain, put into a 9 pan open in a vacuum chamber to release air bubbles, put into a squeeze bottle, and refrigerate until service.
6. For the custard, whisk everything together, test for seasoning, and pour onto half dome silicone molds equally into six domes resting on crumpled up aluminum foil on a half sheet pan with water at the bottom. Bake at 300 for about 25 minutes, or until you can shake it with no visibility of liquid present. Refrigerate, or hold hot for service.
7. For the mousse, puree everything in a vitamix, season with salt, pour into isi, charge twice, shake for 15 seconds, and place on its side in the cooler.
For service, you will need a large white plate, pour random lines of the meyer, cherry, and tomato oil sauces on the plate. Fill the croquant nest with the mouse, plate. Find a small disher to dish out the tomato dust wherever you like. Place the custard down, then place the mushrooms and cherries in random places. Garnish with parsley, enjoy