Anaerobic Methane Digester
Our computer controlled anaerobic digestion system generates enough electricity to power our farm, cheese factory, and area homes in our community. It is owned by Clean Fuel Crave.
Anaerobic (oxygen-free) digestion is a biological process in which microorganisms break down organic waste in a process that ultimately produces gas, mainly methane with some carbon dioxide. This gas can be burned just like natural gas, thus generating energy. The digester helps manage our farm’s manure, it provides clean, renewable energy for the farm, and produces excess electricity.
The digester reduces odor from the manure and also provides some saleable products. We use the liquid byproducts as fertilizer on our fields and the solid byproducts (dry organic matter) are used as animal bedding and in a line of organic potting soil.
For every hour that our system runs, which is every hour of every day, we generate enough electricity in an hour to power a average Wisconsin home for an entire month.
If we had to purchase diesel fuel to run our system we would need 1000 gallons of fuel per day. Our generator is powered by 100% "cow power" and in addition to the waste water from our cheese factory.
Produced with Renewable Energy
Producers of Green Energy
Recyclable Packaging
Truly Farmstead
Water Conservation and Recycling
Sustainable Farming Practices
Use and Production of By-Products
What are By-Products?
When we talk about by-products we are referring to the materials left over from the production of other products. Our cows eat a special blend of nutritious food, that include by-products from the production of other human food industries. For example- brewers grain- which is the left over grain from the brewing industry, after it is used to produce our favorite Wisconsin beers. Although this is a material that would otherwise be in a landfill, dairy cows have the ability to process it into energy and milk!
Other by-products we use include malt sprouts, cotton seed, and by-production from the production of soy sauce. Farms across the United States utilize by-products for a healthy cattle diet. For example, if you were located down south, you would be using citrus rinds and other regionally produced by-products!
How cool is that!!
We also produce by-products here at Crave Brothers AND we utilize them! When we produce methane gas to create renewable energy we are also producing fertilizer for our fields and an odorless dry material from the manure. We use this as comfortable cattle bedding. This eliminates the cost of purchasing and trucking in alternative bedding like saw dust or sand!
At the cheese factory, we produce cream and whey protein. These by-products are sold for further processing into butter and high-protein drinks!